Dr. Macdonald is a registered psychologist in Alberta, BC, PEI, Nova Scotia, the Yukon, and Northwest Territories, and provides assessment and counselling services, both online and through onsite clinics, in all of these jurisdictions. He has over 20 years of experience working with individuals with a variety of complex learning profiles. He has taught at the junior and senior high school level and was the assistant principal at an independent school for students with learning disabilities. He is a sessional instructor in the Departments of Psychology, Health, Community & Education, and Continuing Education at Mount Royal University. He is also an adjunct assistant professor with the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary.
Born and raised on Prince Edward Island, Dr. Macdonald holds a BA from UPEI, along with a BEd from Saint Mary’s University, a MA in School Psychology from Mount Saint Vincent University, and a PhD in Applied Psychology (Counselling) from the University of Calgary. He has presented at local, national, and international conferences and is a frequent guest on Global Morning and Global Newshour, Breakfast Television, CBC Radio and Television, and CTV2’s Alberta Primetime. Dr. Macdonald has also served as a director of the Learning Disabilities Association of Alberta – Calgary Chapter and was the Canadian Representative to the State and Provincial Leadership Committee with the American Psychological Association. He was also the Alberta Representative to the Public Education Committee, also with the American Psychological Association, and is the past Chair of the Psychologist’s Association of Alberta’s (PAA) Public Education Committee. He currently sits as a Practice Advisor with PAA and served for many years on the Oral Examination Committee with the College of Alberta Psychologists.
Dr. Macdonald is a highly sought-after lecturer and speaker and has provided professional development for individual schools, school districts, and businesses on mental toughness, anxiety, complex learners, and other topics of interest.
BEd – Saint Mary’s University
MA - School Psychology – Mount Saint Vincent University
PhD Applied Psychology (Counselling) – University of Calgary
Provincal Regulatory College Registrations:
AB- 2492
BC – 2683
NS – R0968
NT – 2250-69556
PE – 073

Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: Mental Toughness for Everyone
by Brent Macdonald, PhD
Mental toughness is NOT what you think it is! It’s not about just “sucking it up” or being “hard.” In Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight: Mental Toughness for Everyone, you will learn about what mental toughness really is and how it can benefit everyone. The book is designed for use in personal and professional development, for work with teams and students, for developing and experienced leaders, and in relationships. Dr. Macdonald incorporates contemporary psychological research, history, pop media and personal stories into a highly readable text that also provides you with a number of strategies that you can start using today to enhance your own mental toughness!